SRB Poster Session - Oocyte/blastocyst/embryo — ASN Events
5:00PM - 7:00PM
Exhibition Bayside Grand Hall


Attachment of mouse blastocysts to endometrial epithelial cells in vitro is increased by Insulin-like growth factor 1 (#225)

5:00 PM
Charmaine Green

Addition of an ER-stress inhibitor overcomes the compromised development of cow COCs matured in vitro with elevated fatty acids (#226)

5:00 PM
Melanie L Sutton-McDowall

Maximising the post-thaw survival of vitrified, in vitro produced porcine embryos: A comparison of freezing devices, vitrification solutions and blastocoele presence  (#227)

5:00 PM
Louise Bartolac

L-Proline transporters in the pre-implantation mouse embryo (#228)

5:00 PM
Margot L Day

Left-right asymmetry in the developing tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) (#229)

5:00 PM
Karen Lychau Hansen

Activation of AMPK regulates mouse embryo development and glucose metabolism (#230)

5:00 PM
Alexandra J Harvey

Metabolism of male and female in vivo developed mouse blastocysts (#231)

5:00 PM
Rebecca Kelley

Phage display as a tool for investigation of the molecular mechanisms underlying mouse sperm-oolemma interactions (#232)

5:00 PM
Amy M Lesiow

Stimulating lipid metabolism in porcine embryos: effect of L-carnitine in a sequential media system (#233)

5:00 PM
Jenna L Lowe

Development of a resazaurin assay for follicle viability (#234)

5:00 PM
Alexander Penn

Regulation of the acetylation of histone 3 Lysine 9 during maturation of chromatin in the mouse Zygote (#235)

5:00 PM
Charlotte Rollo

Exposure to high glucose and lipid impairs oocyte developmental competence in association with ER stress and O-GlcNAcylation (#236)

5:00 PM
Siew L Wong

Chromosome cohesion deterioration causes pre-division during meiosis II in oocytes from aged mice (#237)

5:00 PM