Chairs: Ken Ho & David Henley
Cortisol deficiency in patients with chronic non-malignant pain treated with opioids. (#192)
2:00 PM
‘Atypical’ pituitary adenomas – clinical value of the WHO pathological criteria (#193)
2:15 PM
Raised Insulin like growth factor(IGF-1) on the Siemens Immulite. Is it real? (#194)
2:30 PM
Cardiovascular examination and echocardiography in prolactinoma patients taking cabergoline: Low prevalence of valvular abnormalities. (#195)
2:45 PM
Temozolomide and Aggressive Pituitary Tumours: longer-term followup (#196)
3:00 PM
Novel KAL1 sequence variants associated with septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) in three female patients (#197)
3:15 PM