Chairs: Kathryn Gatford & Amanda Sainsbury-Salis
Maternal low GI diets improves glucose tolerance and reduces visceral fat mass in female offspring (#84)
10:00 AM
Neuropeptide Y, acting through the Y1 receptor, suppresses pulsatile growth hormone secretion following short-term fasting in the mouse (#85)
10:15 AM
Endocrine, metabolic and circadian responses to simulated shiftwork in the pregnant rat: implications for fetal metabolic programming. (#86)
10:30 AM
Obesity reduces maternal core body temperature and alters the normal thermoregulatory changes of late pregnancy in the rat (#87)
10:45 AM
Sulphonylurea treatment on diabetic pregnant mice improved maternal but not male offspring glucose tolerance (#88)
11:00 AM
Can neonatal exendin-4 prevent obesity after IUGR? (#89)
11:15 AM