Rob I McLachlan — ASN Events

Rob McLachlan

Monash IVF Group, VIC, Australia

Professor Robert McLachlan, AM, FRACP, PhD. Consultant Andrologist to the Monash IVF Group for the past 32 years and Director of Andrology, Hudson Institute of Medical Research, in Melbourne. His clinical and research interests include male reproductive endocrinology, the genetics of male infertility, the optimal use of assisted reproduction and the follow up on ART offspring health. He has published >250 original papers and is Co-Editor of the Male Reproduction Section, He is an Honorary Life Member of the FSANZ and of the Endocrine Society of Australia, and is a past President of FSANZ. He has been Medical Director of Healthy Male since 2006, the Federal Government initiative in community & professional education in male reproductive health. In 2016 was made a Member in the Order of Australia for services to medicine and endocrinology.