Session — ASN Events
A new function for histone variants in the tissue-specific regulation of pre-mRNA splicing Severe hypertension due to external compression of unilateral renal artery by retroperitoneal Ewing’s sarcoma improved by chemotherapy Diabetes is the Major Risk Factor for Mortality after Lung Transplantation Two cases of hypocalcemia precipitated by single-dose denosumab in patients with stage IV chronic kidney disease Increased susceptibility to high fat diet in female mice conceived by in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or ovarian stimulation The placental syncytiotrophoblast internalises antiphospholipid antibodies then dies. Prenatal Betamethasone therapy increases stimulated cord blood pro-inflammatory cytokine responses in preterm neonates Alternative pre-mRNA splicing: new insights into male sterility and lung cancer Thyroid FNA BRAF positivity correlates with a higher grade bethesda category Assessment of DFI in gonadotropin treated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism patients The effect of egg yolk and glycerol concentrations on the post-thaw survival of papain-reduced alpaca (Vicugna pacos) spermatozoa. Serum Activin A and B levels predict outcome in patients with acute respiratory failure Endocrine, metabolic and circadian responses to simulated shiftwork in the pregnant rat: implications for fetal metabolic programming. Clinical implications of introducing the Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytology to a regional thyroid clinic. Reproductive hormones and cardiovascular and diabetes risk among community-dwelling older men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project Stimulation of insulin secretion by preptin and analogues Nuclear progesterone receptor-regulated gene networks in the oviduct: Potential mediators of progesterone action on oviductal transport. Bone loss following bariatric surgery: Comparison of different modalities Characterisation of DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) genes in a marsupial, the tammar wallaby. Growth hormone doping - Effects and perceptions Androgen-induced mouse models of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) SEPT12 collaborates with microtubules to form the manchette and sperm tail Breastfeeding in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Data from the Australian Longitudinal Women’s Health Study RAB-Like 2 (RABL2) is a critical regulator of male fertility and fatty acid metabolism Chronic phase shifting in rats impairs glucose tolerance and insulin secretion and sensitivity